It's an addiction, I tell you. This link adding business. So all I did last night while watching Shear Genius and Project Runway (Yes, I'm a total couch potato and internet junkie) was jump around fashion blogs I frequent, click through their blogrolls, and add any and all blogs that piqued my interest. I was very excited to see some blogs in Spanish with accompanying translation in English. Sweet! I can work on my rusty Spanish while admiring the perty clothing.
It's amazing the wealth of fashion blogs that are out there. The list is almost never-ending. And the first thing I did this morning after I got into work, after making coffee that is, was to check out all my newly linked blogs, view the ones that were most recently updated, and continue to add to my little collection! Must stop. Anyhow, very cool feature that blogger has with being able to see the "last updated" time. I already waste enough minutes/hours as it is doing silly stuff so I probably save a good amount of time not visiting the non-updated blogs.
Wow! Four comments on my hen purse post. Yes, that bag really must have been quite atrocious. The comments were quite the surprise as I pretty much fell off the face of the earth after that first post and failed to check back in here despite blog ideas percolating. Thanks for reading! I sort of felt silly even publishing that post because since my blog is so brand-spanking new, I'm sort of talking to an imaginary reader and it's great to know ACTUAL people are reading this and replying with feedback. I love you all already, all two of you.
I shall set the bar low and strive for one one post a month. ;) Cutting it close for July.
7 years ago